P-06-1396 Introduce a vape licence for dedicated vape shops – Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Committee, 20 May 2024

Thank you  for info

That response is honestly nothing to do with licensing for vapes. Vapes are not even subject to the age going up to be able to buy them like normal tobacco cigarettes are going up a year each year. That's not  happening with vapes so even more reason to make sure vapes can only be sold by dedicated vape shops that won't serve underage




Just to add a bit more information after  the last correspondence.  I understand the welsh governments response is more created to smoking and upping the age each year so eventually no one will be of age to buy cigarettes.

This isn't the case for vapes you have to be 18 to buy them and that's ongoing. more ppl will turn to vaping as the age rises for tobacco cigarettes . This being the case it's imperative that they source them from dedicated vape shops to ensure they are getting Thier products that are UK compliant and not being sold to the underage.

With disposables being banned this will Increase the black market into stepping Into kits and liquids. The black market was full of fake disposables  so it's natural it will continue but with other products .  This was already the case before disposables came on the market.

It's very important that we seperate the 2 things.  Vaping is the number one product that is helping people quit smoking and is being recommended by health professionals. I'm aware it's not classed as a medical nrt but this doesn't alter the fact of the high success rate.

Vape shops have in house training  and for the most have passed ncsct training as non smoking practitioners and it's important under age ppl are not served these products.

The only way for proper accountability is to have dedicated shops liscenced to sell these products and not every shop .  This will help trading standards know exactly who is selling products and easier to shut down other shops that are profiting and putting peoples health at risk by selling unregulated products and also serving underage people.

